Thursday, August 1, 2013

Adventures in China

As a child of the 80's, my generation was the first to have 'at home' video games.  We started with "Pong" and graduated up to  Asteroids, Pacman, Ms Pacman and Donkey Kong.  What does that have to do with China?  Remember Frogger?  Well crossing the street is a lot like that.  You cannot imagine the traffic.  Four lanes of traffic in each direction, but the lanes are 'more of a guideline, really'.  More often than not there are 5 or 6 vehicles in those 4 lanes, merging, honking, speeding up, slowing down.  But the traffic, while nerve-racking for this small town girl, is just a drop in the bucket compared to the sidewalks.  The side'walks' are really motorways for the scooters.  I guess since the road is so busy its not safe for the scooters to drive there so they use the sidewalks.  Venturing out is something of an adventure to say the least.  Yesterday we walked to a local park.  And while the park was beautiful and very entertaining and relatively close, the trip there was not for the faint of heart.  Poor Serenity had to deal with me constantly fussing about her walking, 'right in front of me!'  Poor kid.

Enough whining.

Belle is progressing well.  She eats almost non stop.  She is a slow and dainty eater, but an eater just the same.  2 hour breakfasts are our norm, which is ok with me because the coffee here is fabu!  I sip my second or third latte while I feed Little Miss.  Once we are back to our room from breakfast she reaches out for the bag of Gerber Puffs.  

She has started showing a strong preference for mom. While she seems to adore Serenity (Serenity even got the first kiss) Mom is preferred.  That little tidbit will be put to the test later today when we visit her orphanage.  I'm not real worried about it.  We visited with Serenity with her adoption trip and there was no doubt she wanted to leave with us. I  am sure Belle will be the same,  It just is very important to have that closure and sense of finality for Belle. Serenity doesn't want to make the 90 min  each way van ride so she is staying back at our hotel with her new BFF Alex (don't worry brothers at home, Alex is short for Alexandria) and her family.

But now it is time to take Belle for her two hour breakfast and for you to enjoy some pictures!


  1. So precious! Congratulations!

  2. WHEW! So glad to hear that Belle love her Mama! Knew it would happen--- I was thinking she might beholdin' to Baba- as he is blonde & has a beard! Gets them everytime! Jaedyn went right for Uncle Kim's beard when she met him @ the airport!
    So glad to hear she is a dainty yet hearty eater! That's my girls & Jordan, too, of course! Never turn down food--- unless it's broccoli or brussels sprouts! ( However, Jocelyn loved lima beans & brussels sprouts- it's the other 2 who won't eat it w/out being smothered in cheese!) Oh, the dainty is LONG GONE! Miss Belle will love the Wildtree foods, LOL!
    Happy to hear that Miss Serenity is making fast friends with Alexandria! That is so important to have someone her age & from her birthplace to share the return trip with! Good for her!
    Anxious to hear how the return to the orphanage went for you all! That is always so delicate and bittersweet as well! I remember touring Jocelyn's orphanage & seeint the next group of babies playing in the playroom where Jocelyn was just 2 days earlier! Even the Marine in our group had tears running down his face! So precious and memorable!
    Love to you all & best wishes for a fantastic remainder of your adoption journey! I remember the traffic all too well-- but not scooters on the sidewalks! Ouch! Careful!
