Sunday, August 18, 2013

I know it seems hard sometimes but remember one thing. Through every dark night, there's a bright day after that. So no matter how hard it get, stick your chest out, keep ya head up.... and handle it.” Tupac

Some things are hard. 

Tomorrow I take sweet little Belle to Children's Hospital to have a mediport put in so she will be able to receive her transfusions with a minimum of pain.  Her veins, like the rest of her, are very tiny and fragile.  Some of the IV team put forth the theory that maybe she was more than 19 months old because her veins were so 'beat up' that she would have had more than 6 transfusions (we only know of 6 for sure).  I can't believe she is older than that because of her size. But ???

Some things are hard.

I think about how little I know about her, really.  She has a whole story that I only have the cliff notes to.  I feel a little like Rick in Casablanca when he asked Ilsa, "Who are you really, and what were you before? What did you do and what did you think? "

Some things are just plain hard.

Continue to hold Belle and her doctors up in prayer.  It is going to be so difficult to let them take her from me tomorrow when she goes for surgery. The longest she has been away from me  is the time it takes to shower and I am sure her port placement will take longer than that. 

But some things are sweet.

Once Belle has the port in place, her monthly transfusions will be much easier.  Gone will be the days of multiple sticks and tear streaked faces.  It will be a 'one and done' deal. 
How sweet it is!

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